Children's Ministry
At Orchard, we have made a commitment to providing a loving and nurturing children's ministry, where children can know Jesus through story and experience. We love our kids and do all we can to provide a safe and welcome place for them. We conduct background checks for all teachers and volunteers, are mindful of student/teacher ratios, and have check-in/check-out policies in place.
Our children's wing is also a nut-restricted zone to keep our children with allergies safe.
WOW – Worship Our Way (for children ages preschool through 5th grade) is our children’s worship experience offered during the main worship services. Children begin in the sanctuary with their families and are dismissed following the Children’s Message to participate in an experiential and age-appropriate worship service which prepares them to make the transition to adult worship.
At this time we are asking that parents/guardians sign up their child(ren) before bringing them on a Sunday morning. This ensures we have the proper adult:child ratio for safety.

Worship Our Way
Volunteer Opportunity - We're looking for help with WOW and possibly subbing for Sunday School. Contact Colleen Aben, Children's Ministry Director, for more information.
Nursery care is available for children from birth to three years old in our brightly decorated nurseries. Our Nursery Staff lovingly welcome the children to a place where they can be safe and nurtured in Christ's love. Nursery care is provided during the worship and Christian education hours. Children are signed in and out, and pagers are provided to parents in the event they need to be contacted. Our crib nursery is equipped for infants up to 2 years old; our Toddler nursery encourages creative play for children 2 and 3 years old. Contact Tracey Huber, Early Childhood Director, for more information.

Sunday School
Children from toddlers through 5th grade enjoy a Sunday School hour at 10 am (from September through May). We use the Deep Blue curriculum for an interactive Bible-based program which engages children in the lessons of scripture. In February of every year, we present children in the 3rd grade with their own Bibles and then offer a Bible Basics class to help them learn how to use this lifelong tool! If you have a child in the 3rd grade (or one in 4-5th grade who has not yet received a Bible from Orchard), please let Colleen Aben know.
For children staying in the worship services, we have worship bags available with crayons, sewing cards, pencils, and chenille sticks; the children are encouraged to take home any "masterpiece" created!
Mission Adventure Club is the Pre-K to 3rd grade portion of our Wednesday Nights Together program. After dinner with their friends and families, they participate in stories and mission projects that help spread God’s love to others in need. Contact Colleen Aben, Children's Ministry Director, to find out more!
Mission Adventure Club

Club 456
Club 456 is for all energetic and fun-loving 4th, 5th, and 6th graders and will run during Wednesday Nights Together from 6:30-7:30 pm. Get ready for some games, activities, and missions! Contact Kelly Sheckell for info.

Our church regularly plans family-oriented events throughout the year that are perfect for family fun! Look for movie nights, Fun in the Sun Day in February, and Trunk or Treat in October. Contact the church office to find out what fun family is happening next!
Children's Choirs
Our Children's music program is designed to give children an opportunity to joyfully express their faith through singing, acting, and the use of a variety of musical instruments. Our children practice songs during WOW time on Sunday mornings. Our Children's Handbell Choir typically meets during our Wednesday Nights Together programming.
Contact Colleen Aben for more information about children singing in worship. Contact our Director of Music, Jantz Black, for more information on the children's handbell program.

Vacation Bible School
One of the most vibrant pieces of our Children's Ministry is our summer Vacation Bible School. It's a week of joy and laughter and discovery as children hear and experience essential Bible stories even as they begin to figure out what those stories mean for their own lives. We always have great fun and learn so many things about Jesus!
For more Information contact: