Missions & Service
Orchard's Mission Box
Each month we organize a collection for those in need. We have collected items for Thanksgiving dinner, diapers, pet food, and cleaning products, just to name a few.
We partner with local organizations, including Hospitality House and Farmington CARES, and Lighthouse (formerly Lighthouse of Oakland County and South Oakland Shelter) as well as other United Methodist Churches, such as Central UMC in Detroit.​
In November and December, we partner with Farmington Public Schools to make the holidays brighter for local families in need. The Adopt-a-Student program helps to fulfill the holiday wish lists of FPS students currently experiencing homelessness.

Orchard has participated in the annual Farmington/West Bloomfield CROP Walk (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) since its inception in 1985, providing the initial leadership and sponsorship. Orchard continues to lead in the number of walkers who participate and the amount of money raised, because we believe in its mission - to provide safe drinking water and delivery systems to third world countries and to provide national and international disaster relief. In addition, 25% of the funds remain in the local community for hunger relief programs.
Held on the first Sunday of May, participants obtain pledges for this walk and have the option of walking two miles or six. "We walk because they walk" is the rallying cry, representing our recognition that many girls in third world countries must walk miles just to get water for their families, preventing them from attending school.
If you would like to participate in the walk, or make a donation to our Orchard efforts, go to CROP Walk to find our team!​

Knit & Crochet + Mitten Tree
Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a ministry where women of all ages come together for fellowship and mission. All skill levels are welcome, even if you're just now picking up a pair of knitting needles or a crochet hook.
Knitted and crocheted items have been distributed to many charities and agencies, including SOS (washcloths), for soldiers (helmet liners), Baldwin (blankets for their warming center), Warm-Up America (rectangles to be made into blankets), Spirit and Song Institute for Peace (scarves and hats for homeless men), and other local charitable agencies (hats, mittens and scarves, as well as afghans and blankets and even cage liners for cats at the Michigan Animal Rescue League). Items have been made and auctioned at Orchard’s bi-annual charity auctions, as well as knitted baby washcloths made for those in our congregation with newborns. Prayer blankets and shawls have been lovingly made and distributed to those who are facing major illnesses.
In November and December, Orchard collects hats, scarves, and mittens (both handmade and store bought) for our annual Mitten Tree drive.
This group meets on the first Thursday of the month. Contact: Ellen Cogsdill