Weekly Programming
Weekday Groups for Adults
Men's Mall Walkers
Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9:00 am
Twelve Oaks Mall, Novi
Eve's Girls (Women's Group)
1st & 3rd Monday of each month at 7:15 pm
Contact: DyAnn St. Clair
Tuesday Book Discussion Group
Tuesdays at 10:00 am in Rooms 200-202
This group is open to everyone, even without reading the book. See the most recent Harvester for the current selection.
Contact: Pastor Paul Hahm (paulhahm@orchardumc.org)
Hot Dog Guys / Lunch Bunch
Tuesdays at 11:30 am at Great Lakes Coney Island in Farmington
Contact: Dan Harmon
Books Over Lunch
1st Wednesdays of the month at 12:00 pm
Bring a lunch and come to discuss a different book each month. New book enthusiasts are always welcome. If there isn't time to finish, or even start, the book please come anyway.
Contact: Nancy Howland
MomCo @ Orchard
Orchard’s support group for mothers meets on Thursdays (1st & 3rd of the month) at 9:15-11:30 am and Mondays (2nd and 4th of the month) at 6:30-8:30 pm. In addition to regular meetings (September-June), this group also plans playdates and Mom's Morning/Night Out events year-round.
Contact: Hannah Hearn (hannahhearn@orchardumc.org)
Knit & Crochet
1st Thursday of the month at 1:30 pm
A long-running group at Orchard, they share patterns and ideas, support one another in fellowship, and make items for the Mitten Tree and to fulfill other congregational and community needs. All skill levels are welcome.
Contact: Ellen Cogsdill
Pub Theology (Men's Group)
1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 8:00 pm
The Library Pub in West Bloomfield Twp.
Contact: Mike Stefiej
Sunday Programs
Adult Sunday Classes
Sundays at 10:05-10:55 am
Dr. Mary Clark leads an adult class in Room 202.
Additional adult classes run on a seasonal basis. (Parenting, Art, Lenten Book Study, etc.) See the current Harvester for details.
Children's Sunday Classes
Sundays at 10:00-11:00 am​
We are currently offering special topic classes that run 4-6 weeks. (Music, Art, Dance, etc.)
See the current Harvester for details.
For infants and toddlers during the 9 am and 11 am Services​
Contact: Tracey Huber​​
Youth Group
Middle School Youth Group
Sundays from 5:15-6:15 pm
For 6th, 7th and 8th Graders
Middle School Youth Group is tailored to create laughter, joy, and friendship as faith is formed and developed. As the kids learn about God, they will play games, have challenging discussions, and grow closer as a group.
High School Youth Group
Sundays at 6:30-8:00 pm
For 9th-12th Graders
Join youth group where the love of Jesus is shared through conversation, games, and personal growth! Each week will have new games, discussion questions, and voices to help the youth experience where God is at work in this world.​
Orchard's Children & Youth Staff
Nursery through 12th Grade​​
Colleen Aben
Director of Children's Ministries
Ms. Colleen oversees the Children's Ministry - Sunday School and WOW (Worship Our Way). Contact her to find out what's going on this Fall as she leads our kids through growing in faith!
Tracey Huber
Coordinator of Early Childhood Development
Ms. Tracey leads our nursery and interacts with the nursery and preschool aged children. Contact her to find out how your little might become a favorite of Ms. Tracey!
Director of Discipleship
Ms. Kelly leads our middle school and high school youth groups.