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Worship and Hospitality Ministries

Worship Ministries

This team helps create the worship environment by adding visual texture to our multi-sensory worship experiences. They design and dress the altar, decorate the sanctuary and other areas to reflect the different liturgical seasons and for special events. Contact Linda Hall for more information.

Are you comfortable with children, speaking in front of a crowd, telling stories, perhaps complete with sound effects, and improvisation?  Then you may be ready to volunteer to lead a children’s message. Please see Colleen Aben, Director of Children's Ministries, if you feel called to this ministry.

Collection Counter Team

Two people are needed each Sunday to count the offering and make the deposit after worship. Training is provided. Contact Ross Arseneau.

Communion Preparation Team

Help to prepare the Communion elements and place them on the altar on the first Sunday of each month and for special services. Training is provided. Contact - Lesley Bonsky

Flowers for Worship Spaces

Flowers are a lovely way to honor or remember someone, and they help to decorate the worship spaces. You choose the date you would like to provide flowers. Look for the Flower Chart on a bulletin board in the narthex/lobby area to see if your date is available and to sign up, or contact the church office to let them know which date you'd like to have them. You may take your flowers home after the second worship service on that Sunday.

Liturgist Team

Liturgists assist in leading elements of worship such as the call to worship, prayers, invitation to offering, and scripture. If you are comfortable with public speaking and would enjoy assisting with worship, please contact Barbara DeGrazia (traditional worship) or Deanna Kohl (contemporary worship). Training is provided.

This team provides technical support for worship and special services and other special events. Bringing up the computer screens that are used during worship services is not a hard task, but a very important one. The screens are already designed and in order in MediaShout (our presentation software) so that the appropriate screens come up when needed during the worship service. Time requirement would be one Sunday a month, one or both services during that Sunday. 


Assistance in other areas of worship media tech are occasionally needed, including help with creation/design of graphics, working on the web site, and help with lighting of special performances.


Training is provided for all positions. Contact Linda Hall if your heart is connected to the Media Tech ministry!

Sound Techs

Orchard has a state of the art digital sound board to help us provide highest quality worship sound in an easy and manageable way. If you have a heart - and the ears - to help us operate it during worship services and/or special presentations, this is the ministry for you. Time requirement is usually once or twice a month, at either (or both) the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services. Training is provided. Contact Justin Hamilton for more information.


We see our ushers as ambassadors for Orchard. Their kindness and helpfulness are essential when leading our worshipers to a pew, handing out bulletins, collecting the offering, and other needs as required at each worship service. Ushers serve one Sunday a month. Training is provided. Contact Scott Adamowski for more information.

Worship Drama

Every now and then we have need for a skit or drama that illustrates a point in worship. Participate in dramas on stage and/or backstage for Sunday worship services or other programs as needed. Let Cathy Albery know if you’re looking for your big break!

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Hospitality/Caring Ministries

With one of our core values being hospitality, we love to extend that hospitality to our first-time visitors. Bread Takers deliver a wonderful loaf of Challah bread after that first visit, along with a packet of information about Orchard. If you'd like to be one of our "Bread Taker" volunteers, contact Lesley Bonsky.

When a funeral or memorial service is held at Orchard, the family often chooses to provide a meal or a time of refreshment and fellowship to the guests who have come. There are many ways for us to minister to the family in these instances. Assistance with set-up, hostessing, serving, cleanup, sometimes baking or bringing side-dishes are needed. Contact Linda Hall if you'd like to be part of this important caring ministry.


Greeters are our front line ministers of welcome. Greeters usually provide the first official point of contact with the congregation. The role as a greeter is critically important to set the tone of welcoming in the congregation. If you can welcome each person as they enter the church building, offer a friendly hand and help them feel at ease, guide them to others who can assist where necessary, and are just plain glad to see them - this might be a job for you! Contact Lesley Bonsky to find out more.


Hospitality Hour Treats

Sign up to provide nut-free cookies and treats for the hospitality hour between worship services. Sign up sheet is in the narthex/lobby or you can contact Kerry Fazio who would love to hear from you!

Visitation Team

After years of active membership at Orchard many of our older members struggle with limitations of health and aging that isolate them from the faith community that means so much to them. Our Visitation Team ministers to our seniors, shut-in members, and those experiencing temporary health issues to share the valuable gift of time and care, as well as a prayer. If you would like to be a part of this significant ministry, please contact Marcia Harmon.

Welcome Desk Host

Friendly, helpful, smiling - these are the terms we associate with the people who serve at our Welcome Desk on a Sunday morning answering questions for people who are looking for more information about Orchard, its programs, and ministries. Contact Lesley Bonsky.

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Our Worship and Hospitality/Caring Ministries work to make each worship experience and interaction with our congregation meaningful and welcoming , bringing alive the message of God’s love for us through Christ, and enabling us to go forth into the world to live out our faith.

Media Tech Team
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